Saturday, November 22, 2014

Then there's the other side of the coin,  minimalist advocates  who are simplifying their lives as much as possible and that means eliminating "stuff"  and embracing function and clean lined beauty. That doesn't mean they ignore the holidays;  they will often add subtle, simple and often natural seasonal touches.  I  understand this desire to have a quiet, unadorned space.

My personal taste

 I am a middle of the road kind of gal  when it comes  to the final layers in decorating.  I create variety by moving around my favourite things; you never know what will be where.  I also like to live with things that mean something to me, with  that meaning coming from various associations.  However, I do give a nod to holidays and seasons by adding in a few special touches to celebrate.

As an artist, I am interested in objects that are original, hand crafted, and have beautiful shapes.   My current love is this quilt block (it takes the idea of a quilt block to another level) created by a friend of mine.  You can see how she makes her own home unique here. The gerber daisies are my nod to fall, and the colours in the quilt block will work year around with reds and purples prominent.  So one container, one piece of art and lots of options.

Many of the iconic designs of  the mid century modern period continue to resonate with me and over time I am adding my favourites to my decor. I love my Kubus 4 with its square, open base that allows you to place small objects within its frame.  You can also change candle colours if you are so inclined.

Then there are subject matter preferences or design elements that catch my attention - perhaps too much at times. Leaves, twigs, birds, squares and circles/spheres are favourite motifs that keep appearing in various ways throughout my home.

You can go too far when you love something! The stylized sea urchins sculptures - a Target special- relate well to the black spotted bowl.   They remind me of my lazy summer days beachcombing,  and in the midst of winter, I need all the positive reminders of better times I can get.

I went back three times before I purchased this bowl at Bowrings - a local store. When I realized the circles are transparent I knew it was a keeper.  If you add coloured tissue paper inside it you have a quick change seasonal object.  Multipurpose is the name of the game when you want simple seasonal decor.
Can you see my interest in nature creeping into my space in different ways?

Flowers are always a part of  my decor no matter where I am.   Sometimes I make  arrangements from my gardens,  sometimes they are purchased, and sometimes a good fake is thrown in to mix it up a bit.  Another bird in hiding.

Hello squares.  Repetition in shape is a powerful design principle that can lead your eye around a space and provide interest.   And no style is more beautiful than cleaned lined mid century modern, especially when the chairs are free and you just need to recover them.  There are lots of mixed wood tones in my home too, but they never get darker than this  walnut table. I'm still embracing my golden oak - a great backdrop for plants.

You may see a bird's nest propped on a window ledge looking very out of place in a contemporary space, but very in place with my interests.  Thanks Anita Sing for the sea urchin and print!

 Your likes are usually repeated multiple times though out your home, many homeowners are quite surprised when I comment on this during an initial consultation.

I guess it is safe to say I celebrate  seasonal changes all year long by including nature references in various ways. Now isn't that an easy way out!
22 Nov 2014

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